
Hello! I'm Manu Gond from Kolkata, India. I'm currently a part of EU Project Horizon's Marie Sklodowska-Curie network. Enrolled at Mid Sweden University, Sweden & Technical University of Berlin, Germany as a dual degree PhD Student. My area of research is mainly focused on novel view synthesis methods.

If you want to contact me, do it with email or twitter. I'm not much active on LinkedIn

You will find me playing CS:GO, scrolling twitter or shitposting random photos on instagram when I am free.

LFSphereNet: Real Time Spherical Light Field Reconstruction from a Single Omnidirectional Image
The 20th ACM SIGGRAPH European Conference on Visual Media Production
London, UK

Considering the applications in real-time immersive telepresence, this paper investigates how a single omnidirectional image (ODI) can be used to extend 3DoF to 6DoF. To achieve this, we propose a fully learning-based method for spherical light field reconstruction from a single omnidirectional image.



x86 Assembly

Tools & Libraries

Work Experience

Jan 2022



Doctoral Researcher in Computer Vision and Graphics
Mid Sweden University (EU Project Horizon)
Sundsvall, Sweden
  • My main research work focuses on novel view synthesis methods in real time

  • The specialization of our research group is in the area of Representation of Light Fields, Compression, and Rendering

Feb 2020


Sep 2020

Machine Learning Research & Software Engineer
Must (B2B Matchmaking & Virtual Exhibitions platform)
Paris, France
  • Mainly worked as a ML research engineer for a business problem. Worked in collaboration with researchers for the development and testing of ML solutions for the problem.

  • Database design, and deployment pipelines

  • Creation of backend APIs with Node.js

  • Implemetation of real time data streaming module (with socket) to be used by analytics report module

  • Creation of Neo4j Graph Visualization library to be used by front end for displaying and traversing the interactive graph.

  • Creation of independent module for generation of data analytics report

Hybrid Recommender System

  • The algorithm used combination of twitter sentiment analysis and content based filter.
  • Both scores were fused to calculated final score.
  • Trained model was deployed on Google Cloud App Engine and Flask REST API was used to connect requests from android app.
  • Designed basic functionality of login and signup using firebase and saved the user's metadata on cloud bucket.
Facial Keypoint Detection

A Computer Vision problem where given an image, the facial keypoints are needed to be located

  • It used combination of Haar Cascade and Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)
  • CNN was trained to map 68 keypoints across a gray scale image of face
  • Keypoints were translated back to original RGB image to map on face
  • A Node.js baed web application was developed to show functionality
  • With proper dataset CNN can be modified to predict emotions from facial expressions as well
Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)

Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) for creating a 2D map based on robot sensor data.

  • It combines robot sensor measurements and movement to create a map of an environment from only sensor and motion data gathered by a robot, over time.
  • SLAM gives you a way to track the location of a robot in the world in real-time and identify the locations of landmarks such as buildings, trees, rocks, and other world features.
Automatic Image Captioning

A Computer Vision problem where given an image, the model should generate caption for that image.

  • A Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) is used as encoder for generating features vector to be used by decoder RNN
  • LSTM based RNN takes feature vector from CNN and caption dataset is used to train the RNN
  • Final trained model can generate captions given an image
  • A Node.js web app was developed to show functionality
Computer Graphics and Image Processing

A collection of core computer graphics algorithms and image processing techniques.

  • Computer Graphics Algorithms: 2D Transformations, Z Buffer, Flood Fill, B-Spline Curve etc.
  • Image Processing: Image Gradient, Equalization, Masking & Filter etc.
DCGAN for Face Image Generation

A Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network (DCGAN) implementation for face images generation.

  • Model was trained on a modified version of CelebFaces Attributes Dataset (CelebA) having 32x32 size images.
  • Implemented model was able to generate 32x32 images as output.
  • Implemented model can be scaled up to train on higher resoultion images to generate higher resoultion images.
Reinforcement Learning Agents

RL Agents implemented to perform specified tasks.

  • Unity ML Agents environment is used simulate the agents
  • 1 - Double jointed robotic Arm for reaching object
  • 2 - Tennis game between two players
Basics of CUDA C++

Implemented programs with CUDA which cover vector operation and other operations which can use parallel compute to speedup.

GA (Genetic Algorithm) for optimization problem (TSP & Advt.)

C++ implementation of GA for TSP problem. Evolutionary algorithms are used to get near optimum results by using multiple random search spaces and evolving the ones with best fitness. The algorithm implemented reached some better results for large number of vertices.

Socket Programming

A set of socket programs implemented in Java that cover RMI, Peer to Peer and Multi-threaded servers.

Lex-Yacc implementation to generate 3 address code

A set of programs that generate 3 address code given the grammar and syntax directed translation rules.

VLSI VHDL Programs to implement basic logical blocks

A set of programs that cover structural & behavioural model for basic logic blocks like Adder, Ripple Carry Adder, Comparator, Multiplier and Counter.


2017 - 2019

Master's Degree
M.Sc. in Computer Science

University of Calcutta

Key Coursework

  • Algorithms
  • Data Structures
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Statistics
  • Data Science
  • AI
  • Compiler Design
  • Image Processing
  • VLSI Design using Xilinx
  • Parallel Programming with CUDA C++
  • Bioinformatics
  • Advanced Computer Architecture
  • Automate Theory
  • Advanced DBMS & PL/SQL
  • Microcontroller & Microprocessor

2014 - 2017

Bachelor's Degree
B.Sc. (Hons.) in Computer Science

University of Calcutta

Key Coursework

  • Algorithms & Data Structure
  • Digital Electronics
  • Operating Systems
  • System Programming
  • DBMS
  • Microprocessor
  • Software Engineering
  • Computer Graphics
  • OOPS
  • Unix Shell Programming
  • Linear Algebra
  • Discrete Mathematics
  • Computer Networks
  • Automata Theory

2012 - 2014

Higher Secondary
Science Stream

Hooghly Gourhari Harijan Vidyamandir (W.B.C.H.S.E)

Studied Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry and Biology at Higher Secondary level.

Online Courses & Competitions
  • Advanced Machine Learning with TensorFlow on Google Cloud Platform

    This 5-course specialization focuses on advanced machine learning topics using Google Cloud Platform where you get hands-on experience optimizing, deploying, and scaling production ML models of various types in hands-on labs. This specializationb teaches how to build scalable, accurate, and production-ready models for structured data, image data, time-series, and natural language text.


  • 3 Bronze and 1 Silver in Competitve Programming on Hacckerrank
    Hackerrank Profile

  • Machine Learning with Python Track

    This track covers basics of ML using Python as the programming language


  • Intel® Edge AI Scholarship Program

    This scholarship program was hosted on Udacity and it covers optimization and deployment of computer vision models on Edge devices

  • FacebookAI PyTorch Scholarship Program

    This scholarship program was hosted on Udacity and it covered Deep Learning with help of PyTorch as key library for implementataion of MLPs, CNNs, RNNs and other modified versions of same ANN architecture for time series, image, text analysis.

  • Google India Android Scholarship - 2018

    It covered android basics which are required to start with any android project with all implementations done with minimal use of other libraries. It covered lifecycle of activites, implementation of networking and storage services and use of libraries in projects. This is program gives solid foundation so that student can utilize android documentation to create their own applications.

Seminar Presentations
  • Introduction to Digital Signatures

  • TensorFlow as a New Computing Tool

  • Sentiment Analysis on Short-Text type data

  • Recommendation Systems with help of Social Media Analysis